ITD Strategy
To run IT like a Business, the IT Delivery must be organized and managed as a ‘company within a company’, with the primary objective of generating real business value instead of being perceived as a costly supporting function, and driving business objectives through the organisation from ‘front to back’. By defining the ITDs future business view the ITD strategy will guide the organization through this change process. The ITD strategy has a long term focus (~ 5 years) and is aligned with both the business vision, its strategic objectives and the latest technology innovations..
The ITD strategy defines the future positioning of the ITD in the enterprise and is the response to the business strategy and/or future business requirements from IT perspective. The ITD strategy also sets the rules, guidelines and architectural principles to design the future ITD, to plan the service portfolio, and outlines the high level ITD architecture itself. For example, the ITD strategy informs how services may be delivered (e.g. multi delivery or/and usage of dynamic resources like service brokering and sourcing), and defines the core versus non-core IT services decision criteria.
One ITD strategy release is not enough, a sustainable ITD strategy operating model (OM) is essential to ensure ITD strategy lifecycles. The ITD strategy OM assures the sustainability of the strategy process defining the governance model (organization, boards, roles) and all operational artefacts.
Possible Deliverables:
IT Delivery Strategy
Which describes the future role of the enterprise ITD, e.g. sourcing and workforce strategy, geographical footprint, how to cope with compliance and regulatory. Analysing IT trends in the corporate business context allow for deduction of guiding principles such as decision criteria for core/ non-core IT functions. A roadmap shows the major transition steps from current state to future state.
Strategy Operating Model
Which describes the design and implementation of the CIO Operating Model Framework (domain definition, governance model, processes, organizational model).
High level IT Delivery Architecture
Which describes the functional architectural view as a blueprint (internal, external, and hybrid delivery lines, integration with enterprise architecture, customer/consumer interaction and interfaces) and states architecture design principles, rules, and guidelines as input to define the technical architecture.
Multi Delivery Management Concept
Which describes the Sourcing of the delivery of complete services or service parts externally or how utilization of dynamic capacity (brokering) is managed.